The following groups and workshops are available to survivors of abuse and sexual trauma who are at least 18 years of age. Participation is by registration only.
Video cameras are required to be on for all of our programming with rare exception.
Register for Groups & Workshops
Register here –
These support groups are on-going groups unless noted otherwise. Members can only participate in one ongoing group.
Abuse, Bulimia & Restrictive Eating Disorders (ABR)
This group is for survivors of abuse and sexual trauma who are struggling with bulimia and restrictive eating disorders and are seeking recovery and support. It provides accountability, information, education and focuses on discussions on recovery, self-worth, struggles, successes and more. This is a co-ed group.
Addictions & Trauma (A&T)
This group is for adult survivors who have or are struggling with addiction (not just substance) and want to work on recovery and understanding the behaviors and issues as related to trauma to keep from using the addiction as a coping skill. This is a co-ed group.
Binge Eating & Trauma (BET)
This group is for survivors of abuse and sexual trauma who desire recovery and support from binge eating and abuse or sexual trauma. It provides accountability, information, education and focuses on discussions on recovery, self-worth, struggles, successes and more. This is a co-ed group.
Domestic Violence Recovery (DVR)
This group is for survivors of domestic violence who are seeking to discuss the challenges of coping after leaving a violent relationship with a partner or spouse. This addresses a variety of issues of recovery and coping skills as well as the impact of domestic violence on relationships. This is not for those who grew up in a home with domestic violence. This is a co-ed group.
Domestic Violence Recovery-Christian (DVR-C)
This group is for survivors of domestic violence who are seeking to discuss the challenges of coping after leaving a violent relationship with a partner or spouse and how this impacts your Christian faith, or how your faith impacts your recovery. This addresses a variety of issues of recovery and coping skills as well as the impact of domestic violence on relationships. This also allows the discussion of how to deal with hurt that has occurred from protection that wasn’t provided if requested from the church. This is a co-ed group.
Faith & Trauma (F&T)
This group is for survivors of abuse and sexual trauma who are seeking to discuss how the Christian faith is impacting their healing progress and to discuss ideas for managing faith in the midst of recovery. This group is for survivors who have experienced any type of abuse or sexual trauma. This is a co-ed group.
Men’s Survivor (MSS)
This group is for adult men who are survivors of abuse and/or sexual trauma who want a safe place to discuss issues such as emotions, self-esteem, coping, effects of trauma, PTSD, forgiveness, spirituality, men’s issues and more. This is a men’s only group.
Trauma Recovery
This group is an ongoing support group for survivors of any type of abuse or sexual trauma and addresses issues such as emotions, self-esteem, coping, effects of trauma, PTSD, forgiveness, spirituality and more. This is a co-ed group.
Women’s Sexual Assault (WSA)
This group is for women who are survivors of rape, attempted rape, childhood sexual abuse and sex trafficking. Various topics for this group include but are not limited to coping, managing emotions, reclaiming your body, and more. This is a women’s only group.
Supportive Friends & Family (F&F)
This group is an ongoing support group for supportive friends & family members of survivors which is educational and supportive to help friends and family members to learn how to be supportive as well as to be supported as they deal with learning that a loved one has been abused and/or sexually assaulted. Must be at least 18 years of age.
Short-Term Specialty Groups (Must Start First Week)
Dissociative Identity Disorder Educational Group (DID)
This support group is for adult survivors of abuse and sexual trauma who have been diagnosed with DID by a mental health professional and is focused on learning about living with alternate ego states (“parts”). This group is not appropriate for survivors who are not dealing with parts. This group requires permission of your therapist or psychiatrist and requires signing a release of information due to the nature of this group. Also, due to the nature of dealing with parts, this group may be triggering. Please have a support system in place (your therapist can help with this) to be available to you in the event that you are triggered and need extra support after group. This is a co-ed group. This is a 4-week group closed group for those desiring to participate in our on-going DID support group.
Grief, Loss & Trauma (GLT)
This support group is for survivors who are wanting to learn more about addressing the feelings, thoughts and coping skills with grief and loss after trauma. This includes loss that is traumatizing. Sharing of experiences may be allowed based on the week’s focused discussion, except for graphic descriptions to prevent triggering. This is an 8-week closed group. This is a co-ed group. This group requires attendance by the second week to continue.
Journaling (JUR)
This group for survivors looks at various ways to journal and uses different topics to journal on each week. This is a 6-week closed group. This is a co-ed group.
Relationships & Boundaries (R&B)
This group for survivors explores what unhealthy and healthy relationships as well as boundaries are and how to begin to set boundaries. This is educational and supportive with discussion on progressing topics. This is an 8-week closed group. This is a co-ed group. This group requires attending by the second week to continue.
Shame & Trauma (S&T)
This group explores how shame and guilt impact us after abuse and sexual trauma. This is educational and supportive with discussion that progresses each week on the previous topics. This is a co-ed group. This is a 10-week closed group. This group requires attendance at the first session to continue.
Trauma & Artistic Expressions (TAE)
This group explores feelings and recovery from abuse & sexual trauma through art, writing and music. Discussion after these exercises will look at how it impacted the participants. Homework is given over the course of the weeks to use artistic expressions. This is an 8-week closed group. This group requires attendance at the first session to continue.
Trauma & Addiction Group (TAG)
This group is an 8-week group that focuses on looking at how trauma and addiction intertwine and builds on itself over the course of the group. It looks at various issues related to addiction and trauma including how it impacts the brain, compassion, relapse prevention and more. This is an 8-week closed group. This is a co-ed group. This group requires attending by the second week to continue.
Workshops are one-time events that range from 1.5 to 3 hours that are educational in nature. Workshops are specific to the topic being addressed and there isn’t time to go off-topic during this time. Once you attend a given workshop, when it is offered again, it will be the same content the next time it is offered.
Addiction, Trauma & Coping Skills
This workshop looks at the relationship of the trauma of abuse and sexual assault and addiction, the signs of addiction and ways to cope if you are struggling with symptoms of addiction. This looks at a variety of types of addictions, not just alcohol and drugs. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered monthly – 2 hours)
Coping with Dissociation
The goal of this workshop is to explore the various types of dissociation, and to facilitate discussion and learn a several coping skills for managing dissociative symptoms. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Currently being revised)
Building Resilience After Trauma
This workshop looks at self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, mental agility, strengths of character and connection while learning to use your character strengths to meet the challenges that you have for healing from trauma. (Offered quarterly – 1.5 hours)
Coping with PTSD
This workshop is educational with some interactive experiential activities and discussion on how to cope with the symptoms of PTSD, and what to do to help manage, addressing feelings, and actions to help cope with PTSD. This workshop is for those newly diagnosed or wanting a reminder on basic coping skills. Includes information, grounding skills, visualization, and containment. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered 1-2x per month – 2.5 hours)
DBT Skills
The goal of this workshop is to develop skills that can be applied to everyday situations to manage emotional reactions, learn core mindfulness techniques, and become aware of techniques that can be implemented in one’s life to manage stressful situations. This workshop will provide background on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), what it has been shown to be helpful for, as well as teach DBT techniques. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered quarterly – 2 hours)
This workshop discusses finding your identity after experiencing domestic violence. It goes over different types of identities, how to find identity, how domestic violence affects the brain and different age groups and providing resources. It will have multiple discussions and an activity included. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered quarterly – 2.5 hours)
Inner Child Workshop
This workshop looks at the various parts of us after experiencing abuse or sexual trauma. With discussion and a few exercises, this workshop looks at the different types of inner children a survivor may have and some ways to connect. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered monthly – 2.5 hours)
The goal of this workshop is to assist survivors in becoming aware of and improve self-care while learning coping skills to manage triggers that may occur in either group or daily life. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered monthly – 1.5 hours)
Self-Esteem is a very vital element in our mental health and well-being. The Self-Esteem workshop’s goals are to inform survivors of how trauma can lead to low self-esteem, helping identify signs of low self-esteem, and provide various strategies for coping with low self-esteem. By identifying and learning more about self-esteem, this workshop will allow the opportunity to explore techniques to begin or continue rebuilding self-esteem and self-confidence. Handouts are provided at the end of the workshop to those who attend. (Offered monthly – 2 hours)
Supportive Friends & Family
This workshop is for friends and family members of survivors of domestic abuse and sexual trauma. It covers information on what these traumas are and they impact the person you care about. It also addresses self-care for you as you support the one you love on their journey of healing. (Currently being revised)
Trauma & Eating Disorders 101
This workshop looks at how trauma and eating disorders impact each other. It addresses what trauma is and looks at anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders. This workshop provides a lot of education on how the interaction impacts us and things that we can do to help ourselves. (Offered quarterly – 2.5 hours)
Trauma & Hope
Hope is important in the journey of recovery. This workshop can help to look at how to reduce feelings of helplessness, stress and improve our quality of life. There will be exercises to discuss that can be tried to work toward finding hope and using hope for healing. (Offered Quarterly – 1.5 hours)
Trauma & Sleep Disturbance
Sleep is an issue that many survivors struggle with. This workshop looks at how trauma impacts sleep and how it impacts the mind and body, provides a basic understanding of how sleep cycles work as well as teaching some skills in combating and reducing sleep disturbance. (Offered monthly – 2.5 hours)
Classes are educational in nature, and interactive. They are topic driven each week, and they are also supportive as each topic is discussed.
New Beginnings Class (NBC)
This 12-week class is for non-offending adult survivors of abuse and/or sexual trauma to learn about healthy relationships, communication, and issues related to interactions with yourself and others after trauma. Topics include healthy communication, healthy relationships, managing intense emotions, signs of abuse, self-esteem and more. A screening and intake is required. This is a free class.
New Life Class (NLC)
This 12-week class is for non-offending adult survivors of domestic violence who have minor children. This is designed for those who have child protection cases, is referred by a provider or is self-referred for education and support on domestic violence with the impact and help for their children. Class lasts for 1.5 hours each week. There is a homework response form each week after class. This class only allows two absences over the 12 weeks and any absences need to be made up. A screening and intake is required. This is a free class.
New Start Class (NSC)
This 11-week class is for non-offending survivors of domestic violence to learn about basic topics of domestic violence such as what it is, what trauma bonding is, what are some of the treatments that are effective for healing from this type of trauma and other topics will be explored. This class is 1.5 hours each week over the 11 weeks. This is a free class. (Not Currently Being Offered)
Trauma & Eating Disorders Class (TED)
This 12-week class focuses on looking at how abuse and sexual trauma intersects with eating disorders and becoming aware of some of the basic issues to address the eating disorder and trauma. Some topics include the cycle of eating disorders, fear foods, urge surfing, and creating your Recovery Toolkit. This class is 1.5 hours each week over the 12-weeks. There is a homework response form required each week prior to the next class. A screening and intake is required. This is a free class.
Trauma & Addictions Class (TAC)
This 12-week class focuses on various issues related to addictions in general. While many think about addiction as substances, we also address addictions such as shopping, sex, work, food and more. This class is 1.5 hours each week over the 12-weeks. There is a homework response form required each week prior to the next class. A screening and intake is required. This is a free class.