Hope Recovery offers a variety of services for adult survivors of abuse and sexual trauma.  In addition, programming has just been added for supportive/non-offending friends and family members.

Free Support Groups, Workshops & Classes

We have several support groups, workshops, and classes available to survivors of abuse and sexual trauma. This is a free program.

Grupos de apoyo gratuitos en español

Tenemos un grupo de apoyo gratuito para la recuperación del trauma para aquellos que necesitan un grupo de habla hispana. Este es un grupo de apoyo gratuito.

Intensive Support Programs

Our Intensive Programs are for survivors who are needing significant support. This uses education, discussion and creative arts to provide support. These programs are fee based.


Our counseling program is for residents of Indiana, Florida and South Carolina and is provided through Zoom only. Counseling is available with a sliding fee.

Supportive Friends & Family

Our supportive friends & family program is for parents, spouses, siblings and friends who are at least 18 years of age and are wanting an educational and supportive group to learn both how to help your loved one who experienced abuse and/or sexual trauma and to be supported yourself.