Online support groups require a microphone and speakers as groups are voice participation.  Please have a private and quiet location where you can have privacy and if there is significant noise, please mute your microphone until you wish to speak.  Headsets help to reduce static and noise.  We require participation with your camera on for all groups, workshops and classes.

Support Groups are not a substitute for professional treatment and participants are encouraged to be in counseling or under the care of a psychiatrist if possible.  These groups and workshops are designed to complement professional treatment. 

To register, complete the form below.   Email communication with you about your registration will arrive encrypted from and will say Hushmail on it.  Please be sure to keep your password in a safe place.  It can be reset, but you will lose any information saved from any communication.

Please do not share your group link.  All group members must register.  As our groups are limited in number, anyone who is not on the group list will be removed from the group.

Guidelines for Participation

Groups Are On Indianapolis Time (Eastern)

World Clock



Attendance & Progress Notes

Please note that we do not track more than the current month of attendance when you are attending our support groups and workshops.  If you need a progress note for your case worker, therapist or attorney, please note that on your registration form for we can keep attendance and progress so you. 


Register Now